Download ✔“PDF”✔EBOOK” (Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy by Andy Ngo)

A deeply researched and reported account of the group’s history and tactics

3 min readMar 22, 2021

Read EBOOK/PDF/KINDLE Here “— Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy by Andy Ngo — When Andy Ngo was attacked in the streets by Antifa in the summer of 2019, most people assumed it was an isolated incident. But those who’d been following Ngo’s reporting in outlets like the New York Post and Quillette knew that the attack was only the latest in a long line of crimes perpetrated by Antifa.


Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy by
Andy Ngo

In Unmasked, Andy Ngo tells the story of this violent extremist movement from the very beginning. He includes interviews with former followers of the group, people who’ve been attacked by them, and incorporates stories from his own life. This book contains a trove of documents obtained by the author, published for the first time ever.

Andy Ngo spent four years trying to shine a light on the realities of Antifa. It nearly cost him his life on more than one occasion. His first hand accounts in the pages of this book are chilling. Altho’ the single incident from the summer of 2019 brought him to National and International prominence, there’s so much more to his story. Ngo provides the history behind Antifa; it’s roots from Europe, how it’s mutated in England and the US. His focus has been the Pacific Northwest, especially Portland and Seattle. He knows the players and they know him; a fact that is highly evidenced in the stunning photography he’s included. Andy Ngo risked his life to be around Antifa so he could get the real story that contradicts the syrupy spin from local govts and the MSN. This is what investigative journalism used to be.

Book Details

  • Publisher : Center Street (February 2, 2021)
  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 320 pages

His stories about CHAZ and the “Summer of Love” are, at times, unintentionally amusing. We get a firsthand glimpse into the absurd chaos. It’s truly like a group of lunatics took over an asylum. His is also the only account where we learn what happened to the residents and businesses trapped in that Autonomous Zone with no police protection, no city official concerned for their safety. It’s outrageous this was allowed to happen and the MSN never reported a word about how this violent “occupation” affected them.


His research also includes a syllabus for new members to the Portland chapter. You’ll find this in chapter 4 of the book; it’s offered after months of vetting, 6, I believe, and has quite a bit of mandatory requirements. There are also numerous concessions for inabilities. It’s purposeful… Andy supports all his writing with extensive notes and references. The last 25% of this volume is devoted to it. He also takes a brief chapter to share a quick biographical sketch of his parents and their journey from Viet Nam. For me, this inclusion added an element of urgency and sobriety for a life already too visible to sleep peacefully.

